3 Ways to Sell the Benefits of Your Products
Written by Davide Scalia on May. 02nd 2019
When clients approach your product for the first time, they associate it with another similar product, basing their judgment upon their own experience.

In order to change their perception of your product, remember that you are not selling the product but the feelings that clients will experience when benefitting from the product.

Here the 3 elements to let your clients understand what you are offering.

Understanding them is a prerequisite of learning how to sell to customers.


What makes your product better than your competitors? What are the unique selling points?

Highlight all these features and explain the benefits of your product in great detail, don’t just stop here – also elaborate on how your product can address pain points and problems that are your customers are facing.

Speak with them how you would speak to a kid.

Do not assume that they know your product or understand your service.

One of the best techniques to sell a product involves telling them a story related to your product or service, providing them a detailed explanation on the whens, hows, and whys.

Specify all possible ways in which clients can take advantage of your products.

Throughout, ensure that your communication is consistent; convey the same messages using different approaches. 

Your customers don’t only want to know why your product is better than your competition’s product, they also want to know exactly how it can be used and how it solves their problems.

Pictures and videos can explain in a simple and practical way how a product works, you can also share a step-by-step brochure and case studies that elaborate functioning.

Whitepapers and webinars are also ideal tools that not only promote but also engage potential customers.


As good as your product may be, there’s always room for improvement.

When learning how to sell to customers, listening is the most important part as it provides an opportunity to understand their needs and clarify doubts.

Accordingly, you can evaluate your product’s performance, and based on your audience’s feedback, you can come up with a plan for making improvements.

An additional tip is to innovate your products periodically, expanding the various ways in which it can be used. Also, optimize communication, adjusting the explanation and emphasizing on the details that clients want to know.

Listening will allow you to adjust the depth of details provided to help clients understand better.
Use the visual part to show, the audio to explain all details, and written words to add a communication road, covering all possible aspects and share all possible tools so that clients feel comfortable about buying your product or service and use them in the best possible way.

We all choose what we know best. It is your duty is to make potential clients know you and your products or services such that they are compelled to buy it.

Make them fall in love with what you offer.

Thank you for reading, please share some of your experience on this.

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, increasing sales, giving new ideas for  exponential Business Growth
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