5 Practical Steps to Grow Your Business In The Marine Industry 
Written by Davide Scalia on July 18th 2019
In any stage of your business, just as a startup or a well consolidate business in the marine industry, you need to focus always on your growth, keeping aside the fear of trying, being confident of your unique identity. 

To simplify the process and be able to build and grow your business, improving productivity and remove inefficiencies, the following 5 tips can help you to identify clearly the necessary steps to follow.

Here the steps:

1. Assess Your Business Resources

Compile a detailed list of employees and their skills, not only the skills related to their current job but also their unexpressed skills, adding value beyond their duty.

Make a full equipment list, specifying the kind of machinery you have, how it can be used and who can use besides your company, to increase productive running hours of the machinery.

2. Clarify Your Target

Write your target on a piece of paper or in a whiteboard, be realistic and focused. The target should be hard to reach so that you push your limits, but it should not be impossible to achieve. 

Follow the S.M.A.R.T. approach for setting up your company goals, ensuring that they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-based.

Remember, the decision to pursue one goal is different from the "how" to reach that goal.

3. Build Your Strategies

Once clearly decided the goal, consider your resources listed before, their skills, capabilities, productivity and accordingly devise a detailed strategy plan, covering your vision & mission, market analysis, sales strategies, funding and financial projections for the next five years.

In parallel formulate a suitable marketing campaign combining ATL, BTL, and TTL to show your company capabilities, ensuring that digital marketing is a core part.
4. Plan Your Action

With your 5 years macro plan in your hands, it's time to break down your target into smaller time frame and micro-action to manage and assess frequently, smaller is the time frame easier will be to identify and react to the "surprises", adjusting accordingly.

Execution to accomplish the micro-goals is the key to evolve and optimize the plan toward the final goal.

Each achievement will take you closer to the final target and help you grow your business in a safe business environment.

The unexpected is there to keep your attention high, boosting your concentration.

5. Work, Work, Work

Immerse yourself completely in the growth process, with a constant and consistent daily micro success. 

Spend enough time to gain clarity on every shadow; stop before accelerating, clarify the gray areas with your people, the clearer communication will be, the greater will be the efficiency at each step.

Communication can make or break the process, keep your eyes on all the moving parts, you might miss or lost something or someone during the process but communication will restore the correct process flow.

Bonus Tip

Measure your progress.

Once you have determined your company’s starting point. It will be helpful to understand how the process is evolving, giving you the power to see the future, leading your team in the right direction.

Consider the daily micro-target and analyze the feedback that you receive as it gives you insight into what and where you can improve. 

If you realize that something is not going as it should, you can adjust and/or modify promptly. 

When hard work is supported by data, you can build your company success with confidence becoming an established and well-known name in the marine industry. 

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, increasing sales, giving new ideas for  exponential Business Growth
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