How To Be A Successful Brand In The Marine Industry
Written by Davide Scalia on Oct. 10th, 2019
Success is directly related to the customer because they are the supporters; they are the columns to sustain your business and help you expand.

So, who are those customers?

There are three types of customers:

1. The people that produce that product or service

2. The suppliers that provide the necessary material to produce your product or service 

3. The people that buy a product or service from you

Those are the main three elements to focus on when building a successful brand.

1. Employers

I started with the people that work inside your company because they are the team that makes things happen. They develop ideas, and they transform theoretical concepts into practical steps.

It is imperative to pay attention to the people in your company to make your business flow without any significant damage.

You will be facing daily constraints, troubles, and issues that will slow down your production process, hurting the final results.

To reduce to a minimum, any undesired surprise, and to encourage your staff, you have to use a critical winning strategy – COMMUNICATION.

You have to speak with them to build relationships and understand their needs and see, when it is possible, to accommodate them and make their work more comfortable.

Considering that they spend most of their time at work, it is necessary to build a safe and productive environment.

Cheer when there is a victory and discuss failures with a productive mindset, avoid being a boss who only complains and has no practical solutions.
Brainstorming is one of the best communication ways to keep a team together and build a more stable business.

Once you have built the company mentality toward the success of the company itself, everyone will participate and give their best.
 2. Suppliers

The second main element for building your brand is suppliers. They are fully involved in the production chain, and they are responsible for providing timeliness, a necessary component to make your company function properly.

Being part of the chain means that its failure is also your failure.

Sit with them to identify bottleneck points, how to simplify the supply, how to anticipate any possible obstruction, and provide solutions by including your take on their problems.

Provide a clear communication channel where any potential delay or trouble can be sorted out or prevented in due time.

3. Paying customers

Last but not least is the customer.

Once you know that your employees are focused on providing the best service, and your supplier will back you up if there's an issue, you can focus on your clients.

The communication channel with your clients must be two ways, as you cannot only sell. You have to listen first, gauge their behavior, understand customer insights, and use it to produce the best-tailored products and services.

You have to engage your clients, and build trust in your company.

You don’t need to change your company to satisfy your clients; instead, you can use your company identity as a meaner to provide your unique service to your customers.

Serve their needs even before they ask.

Align these three elements, using each element effectively and consistently as a communication channel, and your brand will be lifted to the highest level possible.

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this.

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, increasing sales, giving new ideas for  exponential Business Growth
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