How To Build A Marketing Strategy from Music
Written by Davide Scalia on June 20th 2019
You are in your car, driving around the countryside, and want to listen to music. So you turn on the radio, and after searching the channels, you tune into a station that you like.

How is this connected to marketing? What is the analogy between marketing and music? Let’s try and understand the link between the two and how we can use music to come up with effective marketing strategies.

The Need to Listen to Music

Even though the sudden desire to listen to music might appear to be random, it isn’t.

There must have been a precise event, a certain cause, that sent a message to the brain and triggered the action.

Similarly, if you want your potential customers to search for your products, you need to trigger that action. In fact, if you want to enjoy better results, you can even create the need, sending the right message to the right people.

Searching a Radio Station

Just like you select one radio station over another, your consumers can also choose your business over your competition.

In order to stand out, you must use effective marketing tools, forcing your audience to take notice, when you have their attention, tell them why you’re the best choice.

But remember that the attention span of a human being is only 8 seconds.

This means that whatever you come up with, must be appealing and compelling enough to encourage your audience to find out more about your business.
Selecting a Particular Piece of Music

What makes you stop at a particular radio station?

The track, the tune or the rhythm evokes an emotion. Somehow, the song aligns with your thoughts and puts you in a positive state of mind.

Similarly, you must market your business in such a way that your products and services appear to be the answer that they are looking for.

Communicate the message that you can address their needs and meet their expectations. And if somehow, you can offer tailored solutions and products, it would be even better.

Your target audience will more likely connect with you then. Encourage them to know more about your business. Share how your products and services can benefit them and improve their lives.

Now, do you understand how marketing and music are linked?

Tune in to the needs of your target audience and use effective marketing strategies.

Communicate using the right content and visuals, sound appealing and build a rhythm. When your audience starts realizing your USPs (Unique Selling Proposition) and benefits, they choose you over your competition.

In the long run, they can even act as brand ambassadors and promote your products and services through word of mouth if you continue to satisfy them and keep them engaged.

So stay tuned with your clients and make them feel your music.

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this.

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, increasing sales, giving new ideas for  exponential Business Growth
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