How to Increase the ROI of Any Exhibitions in the Marine Industry
Written by Davide Scalia on August 22nd, 2019
The money and time spent during an exhibition are quite important, and it should also be crucial to use this time and money in the best way possible so as to have the highest ROI.

An exhibition is the best way to build content for your website and social media in order to be able to show your client who you are and especially what kinds of benefit they can receive while working with you or using your products.

An exhibition is the best place to display, meet and discuss with clients or potential clients about your company, but exhibitions typically have a limited time, so the pertinent question is how to use that time, multiply that time and increase the ROI even after the exhibition.

The answer: Audio and Video Recording

Just set up one or more cameras and some microphones, and you will be able to record clear audio, which is very crucial, and a good video.

You can also hire someone to take videos during the exhibition.

Thanks to all those hours of recording, you will be able to do the following 5 productive actions:

1. You can make specific edits to build some focused content for your website and social media

2. You can use those videos to show anyone absent during the exhibition what you were doing

3. You can see and discuss in the office, and identify the most effective ways to speak with clients
4. You can learn from each meeting what are the clients need

5. You can use it to implement your marketing campaign

As a practical example, let’s consider that after editing, you have two good full hours to use, which translates to 120 minutes available to display on your platforms.

If you make two-minute videos, you will have 60 videos available to post on your social media.

You can post one video a week and show different aspects of the exhibition.

Without spending too much money and no additional time, you have available content for more than one year.

Content that will allow your client to know you better, to understand you more, essentially building trust and competency.

You don’t need a slick, expensive video just for advertisement; you need to show your team, you need to show how you work, your capabilities and professionalism.

The advantage of recording is the possibility to review some key points to improve your sales skills, and to see the reaction of the visitors during the exhibition.

They share their opinions and experiences, but most of them generally get lost because you cannot memorize them all.

With the recording, you are able to return to an interesting discussion you recalled with one specific person and take notes on the topic you discussed.

All the above with just two hours of recording while you were working, so without taking additional time from your work. If you really want the full package you can make a short interview of you and your clients to use for further content.

Take the opportunity to increase the exhibition ROI with just a few tools, and you will be amazed at the results with no additional work.

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, increasing sales, giving new ideas for  exponential Business Growth
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