How To Optimize The Investment On Maritime Trade Fairs In 5 Steps 
Written by Davide Scalia on July 25th 2019
The marine industry has several exhibitions every year, which are based all over the world.

These exhibitions are extremely successful, but like everything, they come with their own dark side.

The visitors take precious time out of their busy schedules to attend these exhibitions, but unfortunately sometimes is not worth it, the visitors are potential partners or clients, who are there to visit as many stands as possible and it is not given the proper attention.

It is no secret that some exhibitor is busy on their phones and rather than talking to people who are visiting their stands, their attention is diverted somewhere else entirely...what a waste of money!

This is not only unprofessional but also quite rude. Companies have spent precious money to book their space and want as many people to visit them, the company representative there should be well awake, ready to engage.

When you are an exhibitors and you are not engaging enough, it puts a bad impression on your company, and a bad impression can stick for a long time. Visitors who have had an unsatisfactory experience with you are very likely to pass this information on, losing more potential clients.

Here are the 5 steps to improve your ROI and optimize the investment.

1. Give Instant Attention

As soon as a potential client passes by or stands at your stall, cater to them immediately. Stop what you are doing, especially if you’re busy on your phone, and make them feel like you are there for them.

Let them know about your business and why you’re here today. Let them know why they should be interested in your company and how it would benefit them.

Nothing is better than being accepted and validated, and that is exactly how a customer should feel like after talking to you.

2. Don’t Forget to Take Notes

This is one of the most important ways to make your customer feel validated, but it will also be useful for you. While talking to someone, try to take as many notes as possible so you don’t have to struggle to remember anything later.

This way, you won’t miss anything important from the conversation, and the client will feel like they are being taken seriously.
3. Inform Them

Another thing to make sure that the company will visit you again is to give them relevant information. Leave your potential clients with the desire to know more about your product or service you are offering.

If they have any questions, make sure to help them with all your queries so they have a better understanding of what they are expecting working with you.

4. Follow Up

Perhaps the most important one is getting their contact and following up. There is no point in giving out relevant information and never following up. Make sure to get their contact details and contacting them in due time.

5. Follow Up More

Speak with them, connect with them, engage them by asking about their experience with your company, listen to their suggestion or just their simple opinion.

Anything to have feedback to bring home and work on it. Make every communication with them value-oriented, providing deep information and solutions.

When you follow the above 5 steps, investing the time properly, your exhibition ROI will be always positive.

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, increasing sales, giving new ideas for  exponential Business Growth
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