Sales Team vs Marketing Team For Marine Industry: Where To Invest
Written by Davide Scalia on Sept. 05th, 2019
It is in the DNA of any business that to exist, one must have clients, and quite often, the client source is one of the most critical factors that ultimately push a company out of business.

The focus of top management is finding new clients to keep the company in business.

Another important aspect is making sure your existing clients spend more and more often.

Dealing with old clients has the advantage of trust-building, and it keeps your clients close to your company.

When it comes to deciding on where to spend money or better still, whether to invest in sales or marketing, the simplest answer is both.

This is because each of them has a positive ROI when appropriately used. So, what are the differences between a sales and marketing team?

Sales Team:

The primary purpose of the sales team to connect with clients and close sales.

In order to begin conversing with clients, they arrange a series of meetings to explain what they offer, accompanied by emails and phone calls as follow-ups.

So with a salesperson, we have some numbers to consider:

- The total number of clients that a sales team can approach is 200 clients a year, including exhibitions and special events.

- On average, a client will receive company information about 10 times a year from the sales team, in the best scenario.

- If we consider the 10% closing rate, the final number will be 20 paying clients a year.
Let’s now consider the Marketing Team:

The skillset in the marketing team is different; the principal marketing purpose is to establish the name of the company, the brand.

The more visible and well-positioned a company name, the more potential customers will trust the company and do business with them.

Using basic digital marketing strategies like email marketing, LinkedIn and LinkedIn ads, Facebook and Facebook ads, Google ads, and YouTube, you can drive an enormous volume of targeted people to your website, providing them with more information about your services.

Speculating with numbers as we have done with the sales team :

- A minimum number of 100,000 targeted people will see your website and know about your offers
- The same people will receive constant information about your business, meaning no less than 100 times a year

- If we consider the 1% closing, which is no longer 10% as before, the company should have 1,000 active clients in their books

The above hypothesis is based on a two-person sales and marketing team using exactly the same amount of time.

This is a general example that can be adapted to your company, so you have no excuses.

The numbers above may differ, but the difference between the two teams, solely in terms of company growth and visibility, is substantial and real.

If you have the capability to support them, both teams need always a thoughtful investment and each team needs the other for an effective growth.

Decide today and determine where to invest your money to speed up the growth process of your company.

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, increasing sales, giving new ideas for  exponential Business Growth
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