The 3 Secrets to Getting Ahead of Your Competitors
Written by Davide Scalia on Oct. 24th, 2019
There is an ongoing debate in the business world as to what is the “best” marketing strategy if that even exists; and the debate is a merry-go-round of various tactics, concepts, and practices. All are at least a bit useful and some are excellent.

In my own experience, I have found that the process by which individuals discover and eventually purchase (or do not purchase) a product is based on the implementation of a few simple marketing concepts.

Marketing strategy must be threefold: to surprise clients, be dynamic, and deliver more than expected.

Those three concepts are key to obtaining maximum results with your sales. They will increase your engagement with clients and, in turn, your client retention rate.

Let’s analyze these concepts one by one.

Surprise Your Clients

You have to break your clients’ routines. Make them lift their heads from their desks and take interest in what you do.

If you are able to surprise them by sharing a piece of information they didn’t know before (ideally, something which may be useful for their business), you will obtain their full attention.

You will find yourself be more effective at teaching than pushing sales. 

People get easily overwhelmed by direct sales tactics and generally are not interested in lending their ears. But if you offer a little knowledge that they might use in their daily job and that might make their life a little better, people are more than willing to listen to you.

Be Dynamic

Offer new perspectives on your product or service. Use every platform and medium available to update your way of introducing your product or service. 

A consistent presence on different media will produce different types of feedback from different segments of your audience and will help you understand whether your media presence is effectual, where you might adjust it, and where you should invest more.

The classic method of listing out the features of your product will be boring for most of the people; while showing a practical application will allow them to see and understand how and when the product might work for them. 

You might even present it in a funny yet informative way, which can be effective for making the potential buyer build a desire for your product.
Deliver More Than Expected 

This is the principle that will have the best ROI.

Anytime that people speak about any product or service they purchased in the past, what they remember most clearly is the additional effort the salesperson made to satisfy them.

The problems that you solve for your clients that lay beyond the realm of your specific duty are all additional value that will impress your client.

This concept is something that cannot be measured with numbers. It is the difference between an average company offering an average product and a company whose satisfied customers will advertise it to others of their own volition.

You will get ahead of your competitors if you put into action all three tactics above.


Your clients will transfer their over-the-top satisfaction to other people, convincing them to work with you as well, and they themselves will choose you over and over again.

It’s up to you how much work you are willing to do for your clients to get where you want.

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this.

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, increasing sales, giving new ideas for  exponential Business Growth
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