The 5 Five Musts of Marketing To Be A Leader In The Marine Industry
Written by Davide Scalia on Sept. 12th, 2019
In this revolutionary communication era, companies in the marine industry, of any size, are not aware of the tools available to grow their business.

The gap between company knowledge and technical possibilities is too wide, and companies are leaving on the table tons of money due to a lack of self-awareness and the humility to ask for help.
Here are five tools that companies in the marine industry MUST use in order to grow and expand:


It sounds unbelievable, but there are so many websites that are not user-friendly.

You have to optimize your website content, make it more visual, more explanatory, and interesting to see. A blog can be included to give more insight into your company, what you do, and how you do it. Also, you need to increase your ranking in Google or any other search engine via SEO.
Social Media

The visibility you can gain using social media is like never before with its amazing ability to laser-focus on the type of clients you want.

You can display, measure, and optimize your message, showing in-depth company capabilities. 

Email marketing

This is an old and effective type of marketing where you keep in touch with your clients.

The key aspect is providing information, and you should provide specific helpful details either based on what your clients doubt, something interesting, or simple clarifications.

You can keep your name informal with your clients, as it would help them connect better with you and assure them that you care.

This is where you can provide real value, where you transfer your knowledge to your clients, build trust for your company and grow an understanding of the benefits that you can offer to them, showing exactly your company’s processes.


It should be included in the process to know your clients better. Have a meeting with your clients about what they need can give you some insight into how to improve your products or services, and how you can better present your product and services.

A meeting should be the last stage of the marketing process, concluding the sale.

If any of above is not familiar or you believe that are not using and optimizing them as you should be, I strongly suggest getting professional help because any investments made on the above tools will only increase your business exponentially.

Being innovative and present now in the market is an essential aspect of flourishing your business.

The marine industry is slowly catching up with the tools and technology necessary for growth, and you should not be left behind.

Take action and find the most reliable source that can help you position your company at a higher level.

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, increasing sales, giving new ideas for  exponential Business Growth
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