If They Cannot See You, You Don’t Exist.
Here The 5 Steps to Attract New Customers
Written by Davide Scalia on Apr. 11th 2019
It is astonishing how a simple concept of ‘if you don't show up, people don’t know that this product exists’ is misunderstood by many. 

This means that you need to create a strong business presence and stir excitement about your brand and offerings to get your business noticed by your target audience. 

To get your business noticed, you need to attract, engage and communicate with them using the right mix of digital tools available.

To help you get started, here are 3 ways to communicate with your consumers. These are:

1. Through written text
2. By audio
3. By video

Today, like never before, you can start this communication right now with zero cost. However, how you communicate and what approach you use matters. 

We’d recommend you reverse engineering.

From the end!!

It may sound strange but you will understand after reading the 5 steps to attract new clients:

1. Final consumer — Know Your Audience

You have to decide together with your employers, coworker, your partners or anyone that can give an in-depth suggestion on who do you want to reach out to.

2. Content is King

Once you identify who will be the target consumer, you have to identify the content to publish, in line with your brand identity. 

This is a key element because the content is the line between you and your customers; therefore, it has to be interesting, instructional and value-oriented.

Based on the type of business you have, you will decide what platform is more suitable to transfer information. 

If you notice that your product is more visual-oriented, then Instagram or Pinterest could be more suitable. However, if you have a technical product then videos are better and YouTube, Facebook can be a better choice.

This does not mean that you have to use only one platform.

In fact, you can use a combination of different platforms to reach out to your target audience. 
3. Deploy a Plan — Strategize for Success

Having the content and after deciding the platform, you need to have a posting plan. When and how often are you going to publish the content?

You cannot publish ten articles today and after three months another five articles. 

You must be consistent, therefore you have to organize your content for each platform, such as at a minimum you need to publish content once a week and if you have enough content you can start to increase.

There is no limitation as long as what you will publish is attractive.

4. Get Started — Take Action Now

This is the crucial point; you have all the elements to start. You are prepared and know when to publish, you have to start the first post and you will see that you will be able to go ahead smoothly.
5. Comments — Use it to Your Business Advantage

Be prepared to receive all kinds of comment, both positive and negative, from online audiences.

As you read the comments, you will see that some of them will give you new ideas for your upcoming publications, while others may suggest how you can optimize your content.

Above all, it is important to learn from the comments, you have to maintain your brand identity and provide value in any form or shape.

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this.

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, increasing sales, giving new ideas for  exponential Business Growth
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