Time Travel To Success
Written by Davide Scalia on Jan. 02nd, 2020
Picture yourself one year in the future. By that time, you have made that decision that you are deliberating in the present moment; you have made that investment; you paid off that debt; you bought that equipment which your business needed. By that time, you have accomplished what you are now (in present-day) holding off on, out of fear or anxiety.

Looking at that one-year-ahead snapshot, I want to describe the success you see. Go into detail. Describe what you have achieved, the great growth you have experienced, and how you feel now that you have the results you want. Describe your new level of confidence and how the past year enriched you, both personally and financially.

Now, give a vivid description of how you did it—the daily climbing of the mountain using the power and energy which sparked the moment that you decided to go for it. Describe exactly how you worked and educated yourself every day to lead up to the year’s end success.

I want you to do this before reading the rest of this article. Literally, right now. Take your time.

Now that you have done this visualization exercise, hopefully, you have realized that the only thing stopping you from this achievement is the fear of making mistakes. How do you overcome this fear? You need to make the decision right now to stay where you are or to make your dreams happen.

As you make this decision, rely on two things: your gut feelings (not your opinions with no solid foundations) and your current numbers—as long as the two are aligned.

After the year is up, you might see different results than you imagine right now, but at the very least, the results will make you grow more. You’ll no longer be where you are now.

Your company and yourself deserve to live up to the level you believe you are able to reach.
There is a difference between deciding to do something and actually doing it. Most of the time, we use the excuse of not knowing how or where to start the process. But once you decide to dive in and go full speed ahead, you force yourself to learn how to keep it up. In the meantime, push away any feelings not necessary for your growth.

One year from now, you will know what success feels like and how exactly you achieved it. In the present moment, plan out your road to achievement with the help of the story you just told yourself. Then plunge in. As I said, the worst that could happen is that you learn something and become a better person.

You will learn and have to make some adjustments during the growth process, but don’t put off starting. Don’t lose any more time. Every minute you delay makes you one minute late to your success.

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this.

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, increasing sales, giving new ideas for  exponential Business Growth
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