What Ps and Cs You Need to Grow Your Business
Written by Davide Scalia on May. 23rd 2019
The marketing mix is no more limited to the traditional 4Ps: product, price, place and promotion. 

Instead, brands now also work out the 4Cs of marketing: content, context, consistency and care.

If you want to build awareness and grow your business, the traditional 4Ps should no more be the only focus. 

Seek to understand all the 4Cs of the marketing mix.

The 4Ps of Marketing

The 4Ps of marketing are still an essential part of the marketing mix. Their significance isn’t any less important, so brands must work out a proper strategy for all the 4Ps.

Come up with a product that must satisfy the clients’ needs. Evaluate the needs of the market, and determine how your product or service can best cater to them. 

Come up with a basic purpose or goal, and highlight the same in all marketing and communication plans so that clients can understand what you’re offering.

Choose a price that matches the perceived benefits of your products. Determine the amount that your target audience will willingly pay, and accordingly, set a price.

Spread your promotional campaigns across all possible platforms, addressing your potential buyers in general as well as your segmented target audience to obtain the best results.
If you don’t use the correct strategies or promote an inappropriate platform, there are fewer chances of your product taking off.

Understand where your product can be placed so that you can grab the attention of potential clients. Also, make sure that launch timings are suitable.
The 4Cs of Marketing  

While the 4Ps of marketing provide a good start to build your business, they somehow leave your customers out of the loop, keeping them away from the process. You have to engage and get involved with your leads to drive revenues, and that is where the 4Cs of marketing come into the picture.

The 4Cs are more brand oriented, and a step above the 4Ps, allowing you to nurture deep and lasting bonds with your clients that are essential for business growth and survival in the long run.

Develop content that is informative, valuable and promotes your brand subtly. Highlight the pain points of your audience, and then propose your products as a solution. 

But don’t sound too sales-y; the content must be informative. Explain how your product works and share examples of how it can be used in daily life or relates to daily life.

Understand the demographics and more importantly, the physiographic of your market. Previously, age and gender-related data were thought to be sufficient.

But now you need other information as well about your potential consumers. Analyze the gathered data, and tweak your strategies accordingly, directing your content to the right kind of audience.

Be consistent so that your targeted audience becomes aware of your presence. Remind them that you’re there for them in times of need.

Whatever platform you choose for marketing purposes, make sure that you send out content and news on a weekly basis. Doing this just once or twice a month isn’t enough to build your fan following, increase your credibility or generate leads.

Show care towards your excising customers. Connect and communicate with them often. Keep them engaged so that you can retain and turn them into loyal customers.
You can also add a fifth C: constant attitude, which is essential for offering value.
Make sure to work out all 4Cs of marketing because they are the fuel to business growth.

Thank you for reading, please share some of your experience on this.

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, increasing sales, giving new ideas for  exponential Business Growth
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