Which Marketing Strategies A Business In The Marine Industry Should Use
Written by Davide Scalia on June 27th 2019
What’s the primary goal of any business? Understand what leads to growth, gets you leads, increases conversion rates and retains customers.

Obviously, the first step to growing your business is to build visibility and increase awareness, and that begins with a solid marketing campaign. You should find the best and most effective marketing tactics that work for your business, test them out and then tweak them when desired.

What’re the different approaches that you can take? How can you develop a marketing strategy for your business?

Everyone will share varying advice and marketing tactics with you.

Talk to a direct marketing expert, and they’ll tell you that telemarketing is dead. Talk to a digital marketing expert, and they’ll tell you that direct marketing is dead.

Similarly, social media marketing experts will claim their approach is the most effective, and all others are dead.

In essence, there is no right or wrong approach. However, there can be suitable and unsuitable approaches, depending on your offered products, services, and targeted audience. 

Also, rather than using one particular marketing approach, you should use a combination of several different tactics.

The first step in determining the most suitable marketing strategy is to carry out an analysis of your company’s assets, including the products and services. 
The second step, conduct a deep understanding of your clients’ needs. 

The third step is to determine effective marketing tactics and the right mediums to promote your products and services. Remember that no marketing approach has become obsolete; it’s just that some strategies are more effective than others.

Consider TV advertising for instance, which is suffering because the campaigns target a broad audience that often doesn’t meet your ideal customer profiles. 

Rather than that, you can target segmented audiences using social media channels like YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram, which may deliver effective results. Customer segmentation is an area in which TV advertising lacks.

If you don’t take out time and understand your niche, products, services or the clients’ needs, you’ll end up wasting time and money. So it is better to first get a clear idea of all these things, and then develop a marketing strategy for your business. 

Throughout, remember that content is king, and "copy" is the queen, crucial to the success of your digital campaigns. Not only must you develop valuable content, but you must also share it across suitable media. And when done, monitor your campaigns, track results, get feedback and then re-tweak your strategy if desired.

Marketing is a continuous process that starts from Day 1 of your business. 

Decide a suitable direction for yourself, figure out effective marketing tactics, and then march forwards: this is the trick to growing your business. 

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this.

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, increasing sales, giving new ideas for  exponential Business Growth
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