10 Ways To Be Innovative Without Spending Money
Written by Davide Scalia on Nov. 30th 2018
Being innovative is sometimes seen as the rebuilding of the full company. But, in reality, all it takes to be innovative and renew your company to attract more clients is to follow a few simple steps.
Here are 10 ways to be innovative without spending money:

1. Take the risk

Do something that you have postponed up to now. Take the risk and try even if you are likely to fail. You can only win the lottery if you play.

2. Bear the judgment

If you are facing criticism from others, listen to it, e but do not let it hold you back, muddle your thinking, or outweigh your aspirations for success. Care more for your final target and stay focused. Do not let others’ opinions stop you from becoming what you want to be.

3. Change your way to manage people

Each person inside your company can give you a brilliant idea - listen to them, spend some time with them and they will help you see things from a new perspective.

4. Be open to new ideas for business growth

If you see a new opportunity to develop your business, test it to see if it aligns with your idea of business and core values of your company.

5. Talk to your clients

Ask your clients why they buy from you. This will give you another perspective. You will get to know what clients value about your company and why they prefer you over others. Your clients can also help you figure out the shortcomings and can even help you to grow in the right direction.

6. Try to buy from your own company

The best way to find your shortcomings or to identify the problems that your buyers may be facing is to test your company’s purchase process. So, find out if there is an obstacle for a buyer and if you find any, modify it as soon as possible.

7. Find a different way to sell

If you are using the same selling method for a long time and it’s not working, try to take a different approach or find a different strategy to sell your product(s).

8. Describe the benefit of your product not the characteristics

Instead of telling your clients the characteristics of your product, tell them about the problems your product can solve. People are more interested to know about the value you are providing them and the results they will get.

9. Explain the price

Explain the production process to let your clients understand the value of your product.

10. Be yourself

The clients immediately understand when you are copying another company and they appreciate you more when the product you are selling is original rather than a copy of some other brand product.

Use these tips to build your brand, improve your marketing and make your product or service desirable for your potential clients.
Be consistent in your actions; you will not get results overnight, but if you are consistent, you will eventually achieve your goals.

Another useful tip that can help you in your journey towards innovation and success is to challenge yourself and find something new to make your clients happy and to attract them to your products or services.

In order to bring innovations, understand your assets first and then use them to improve your product or service or your marketing strategy.

Achieving this won’t be much difficult if you include your employees, colleagues or people who share your idea of business and growth in the process and work as a team. Last, but not the least, do not hesitate to ask for help, whenever and wherever you need it.

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this.

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, giving new ideas to obtain an exponential Business Growth.
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