Branding In the Marine Industry
Written by Davide Scalia on Nov. 29th 2018
Is the concept of branding in the marine industry clear?

Looking around, there is a feeling that most of the companies in the marine industry fail to build their brand or improve their image in a way that they become globally recognizable.

If you take a look at Nike’s or Adidas’ logo, you get a clear idea of what they do. But, this doesn’t happen in the marine industry. There are only a few companies that have established such an effective market presence that they are easily recognized and have a competitive advantage over their competitors.

The success of a brand is strongly related to the core values of the company and its identity frame.
Brand building is a constant and consistent process, executed day by day, to boost your name, visibility and recognition. This applies to both small and big companies.

There are 3 simple steps to building a brand:

1. Engage with your clients

2. Improve your visibility

3. Be present

1: Engage More with Your Clients

Building strong relationships with your clients is paramount for any business. When we talk about clients, they not only include people who buy your product or service but also your suppliers and any other person who with you.

To develop a strong relationship with your clients, you must understand how you can help them, how your product or service can make their lives much easier and, most importantly, educate them through informative messages.

Remember, you have to add value in your clients’ lives and make things easier for them.

2. Maintain Your Visibility Across Multiple Platforms

Companies need to understand that the only way to build your brand and gain clients’ trust is to reach out to clients through various platforms.

Make sure that your brand is recognized in the market. There are three ways to connect with your audience - video, audio and written content.

Today, there are so many platforms that allow businesses to communicate with the target audience in multiple ways and thereby, help them to establish their presence. These include websites, numerous social media platforms, and direct contact via emails or surveys.

Lastly, you must have a clear marketing strategy in order to avoid spending time and money in the wrong direction and to ensure the effective use of all the communication channels.

3. Be Present

It means participating in any event, platform, or discussion where your potential clients could be present.

Provide the description of your product and service, give a solution to the common problems, and share ideas, opinions, and technical insides to establish your company as the leader in the niche.
If you do not make use of the power of branding, your company will suffer.

This is the process of ROI in the long term. There is no any marketing strategy that can make your brand well-known in a short time. However, an effective marketing strategy can help you to get the results much faster by ensuring that you spend money and energy in the correct direction and thereby save your time.

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this.

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, giving new ideas to obtain an exponential Business Growth.
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