Why You Need To Stop Selling And Start Educating
Written by Davide Scalia on Jan. 17th 2019
Imagine you are walking on the street and a stranger comes to you and try to sell you a t-shirt. There is hardly any chance that you would buy it, even if the t-shirt looks nice and is of good quality.

Most likely, you wouldn’t even look at the t-shirt because this was not what you were thinking to do.

There is a mental process behind every purchase we make that requires time, investigation, and information gathering and nothing of this happens when you are suddenly approached by someone.

What usually happens is when you decide to buy something, you start to gather information about the available options and once you are well aware of and have weighed the pros and cons of each available option, only then you buy it.

This means, you are already prepared for the purchase before you enter any shop.
According to statistics, more than 70% of clients go to a shop when they have already made their mind about what they are going to buy.

The question that arises here is that, is it possible to somehow hack and change this system in your favor?

Giving Before Asking

Become a teacher and treat your potential clients as your students. 
Assume the responsibility of identifying any doubts or questions your prospective clients may have and explain them in detail.

Describe all the characteristics of your product or service and provide all the information that your potential clients may need to feel comfortable enough to come to you. If you are just selling and not educating your potential clients, you will have to put in huge efforts to be able to sell your product or service.

But, if you are educating your prospects, they will automatically be interested in your business and would not need to be convinced. You would only need to lead them to the final step - Making the purchase!

Share your story, the details of your product and services, identify your prospects’ problems and needs and then present your product or service as the solution. This way, you will have more people interested to buy your product or service.

But, how you are going to educate your prospects is a key element - you should aim to provide them information and not just push them to buy your product.

As mentioned earlier, identify their problems and then, naturally present your product or service to them. Allow them to naturally develop the connection between their problems and your product or service as solutions.

If you follow this process regularly, you will be considered an expert on your field and will gain the trust of your customers.

Once you acquire this, you will have a great potential to grow and get a competitive edge over your competitors.

Investing in giving and educating your target audience always guarantees positive ROI because the people buy when they trust.

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this.

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, new ideas to obtain an exponential Business Growth.
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