Where Marketing Ends Branding Begins
Written by Davide Scalia on Jan. 31st 2019
If you really want to define the relation and the boundary between marketing and branding then let’s just say that both have the same starting point and that is ”customer perception”. 

There is a thin line between marketing and branding. In fact, branding begins where marketing ends. And at the core of it that connects both sides is customer perception.

All marketing and branding strategies are built around it. However, they are different.

Understanding the Difference

Both your marketing and branding activities should be focused on building or improving customer perception. Taking marketing into consideration, it can be defined as all the activities that drive customers towards your business.

Marketing is the highway that drives your customer to your business, understand it and stick around.

If this structure is followed for several years, you will be able to establish a stellar market reputation and build a strong brand identity.

Marketing must be done consistently to build and support your company’s identity, which is your brand.

If you create a strategic marketing plan, it will help grow your customer base and boost the awareness of your brand.

How to ensure that your Brand Stays Relevant?

To keep your brand relevant and competitive with time, make sure to update your marketing strategy and include new channels into your strategic mix. 

This will help you to market and promote your brand to both your potential and current customers.
One of the biggest mistakes that marketers make is that they continue to use and rely on the same and old marketing practices. 

And that is what kills their brand. Former big brands like Blockbuster, Toys"R"Us and more disappeared because they didn’t incorporate innovative marketing strategies and relied heavily on their brand name.

Unfortunately, your brand can only survive in today’s competitive business arena if you innovate and improvise it according to changing customer perceptions and market dynamics.

This is the only way to keep your brand alive and on top.

It’s important to understand that building a brand is a long process that relies heavily on constant and consistent contact with clients. If this connection is lost, then no matter how big your brand is, it will eventually be erased from the minds of the customers and disappear with time.

Strategize for Success 

Therefore, if you want to improve your company’s identity and build a memorable brand, then you have to develop a clear and effective marketing strategy. Also, make sure to use the latest tools to reach out to your customers. Furthermore, value customer feedback and adjust your strategy accordingly, if and when needed.

Simply put, you need to innovate and try new things to strengthen your connection with your customers and build a strong brand image in the minds of your customers. 

This is the mantra to survive and succeed in a heavy competitive business environment. 

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this.

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, new ideas to obtain an exponential Business Growth.
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