What CEOs Are Losing When Innovation Is Missing
Written by Davide Scalia on Feb. 07th 2019
There is a big problem with the direction in which the marine industry, as well as other industries, are heading, and the captains steering the ship are at fault. 

CEOs in the marine industry are not grasping that they are losing, on average, huge sums of money by not adhering to the advice of people around them. 

Even worse, there are some around leaders in the industry who don’t want to contribute by giving their input. This can be attributed to them not being proactive or feeling that they will not be heard because their advice was not adhered to in the past. 

The latter has probably killed all their desire to contribute.
CEOs are riding on their previous successes, leaving them unprepared for any upcoming downfalls in the industry. 

The lack of proactive strategies implemented by these leaders is costing the industries’ future. These CEOs are focused on temporary success rather than the future growth of the industry as a whole.

A direct effect of the lack of foresight from these leaders is causing a lot of them to lose their jobs. Even though this can and is causing instability in the companies as well as the industry, it is a beacon of hope for the future of all involved.

The inability to adapt to how fast the market is changing and their refusal to listen to and digest alternative thinking is currently causing irreparable harm to their own companies. With a focus on current success and profitability, the leaders of the companies are not preparing for the worst when they should be. 

A good leader knows always what to do before the need for it arises. This kind of future planning is missing, which will eventually cause disastrous results.

To be prepared for a problem, one must first think about what the problem could be. Then they need to prepare ways to counteract the problem with the tools they possess, which would be the skilled labor they have hired. 

Currently, the lack of planning is driving this skilled labor away, leaving these CEOs unprepared. They are unable to tackle any problem that they might have to face.

All possible eventualities leading to problems or even failure need to be addressed through constant innovation under the leadership of these CEOs. 

A proactive CEO is the one that drives the company towards innovation. On the other hand, a blind CEO, the ones currently at the helm, is slowing down the company, leading towards two possible outcomes. 

This person will be fired or this person will regret not having done what should have been.
Eventually, these actions will lead to the complete downfall of the company itself. These companies will meet the same fate that companies like Nokia, Blockbuster, ToysRus, and others have met.

This article is for CEOs who want to change as professionals and the people around these leaders that need a change. If your company is operating according to the old way of doing things and innovation is not on the list, the chances of survivability for your company are not that high. 

The leaders have to use their own experience and knowledge to understand that a change is necessary. 

Risks are an obstacle for the inexperienced, but with the experience attained by these CEOs, risk should be a natural occurrence to them. Innovation is sometimes looked at as risk, but many don’t seem to realize that it is a necessity to a company’s success. Stagnation is what kills business all around the world and CEOs need to not fall in this trap.  

Do not wait for that retirement cheque to come in or the downfalls to wake you up. Do something now, your company needs to change its gear and face the future head-on.

There is no future if the present is like the past. In recent times, all the changes in communication channels and on the digital end allow CEOs to show their expertise. 

This enables them to show a different and closer view of the company, increasing engagement with their clients.

With feet firm on the ground and eyes set for what’s ahead, the correct strategies can help you to innovate and place your company on the top of the market.

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this.

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, new ideas to obtain an exponential Business Growth.
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