3 Steps To Brand Building In The Marine industry
Written by Davide Scalia on Dec. 27th 2018
A constant element in the marine industry is the market fluctuation. 

This market is incredibly unstable. 

There are periods of profitability and then there are periods of suffering. 

To start off, we first have to define suffering. This is the term used in the business world to describe the loss of potential profits. 

When a business is not able to recoup its investment and more, the business is said to be suffering. This can happen to a business due to the lack of skill employed or due to environmental factors, which exists in the marine industry.

I will not go in detail, talking about the flourishing period because anyone can take the helm when the sea is calm. If they can’t, it means that there are serious management problems.

Something that is necessary to understand is that in this globalized time, where information is flowing everywhere, people have the ability to choose. No longer are we living in a world with just three modes of communication. We now possess the skills and means to better engage with clients. And these skills have become one of the main assets.

To be able to strategize and have the right skills to engage with clients is a necessity in this ever changing game.

Today, companies of all sizes, ranging from multi-million dollar companies to small startup, are not understanding that a company cannot remain stagnant. The companies cannot just wait for buyers to walk in and make a purchase.

Companies have to expose themselves to the public, displaying their capabilities and more importantly, they need to show how the client can benefit from those capabilities.

How companies in the marine industry can engage their clients. 

There are three stages pre-sell, during sell and after sell, during which you can create a loyal customer that will be there during thick and thin.

All three aspects need to be covered to build an effective brand


The pre-sell is the period that entails research from the customers’ end. Let’s take buying a yacht as an example. During this period, the prospective customer will conduct deep research into the types, prices, reviews, etc. They do this so that they can justify the idea of buying the product.


With the research all done and dusted, the next period entails your company having to effectively display your product, highlight its characteristics and glorify it so that there is no room for doubt left in their minds. 

This is the period where you have to thoroughly impress them so that they do not think of any other company.

Once the client is getting closer towards making their final decision, that’s when you try to close the sell. This is when you have to go more in-depth with the product.

After Sell

Once you have closed the deal and your client has made the purchase, that’s where the third period begins. Now you solidify the relation, the connection, and the bond between the brand and the client.

From this moment on, you have to become more than just a retail store, you have to help them solve their issues, anticipate any possible problems and suggest better solutions.
By effectively passing through these three stages, you should have created a loyal customer. This customer, by the end of it all, should be talking about your brand in a positive manner, thus promoting your brand. 

Once you have created loyal customers, they will be there to support you through the rough times— when your business is struggling. A loyal customer is your safety net in the business world, especially in a volatile one like the marine industry.
By mastering these three stages, you can create a powerful brand. This should be your strategy to avoid the crisis, the suffering.

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this.

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, giving new ideas to obtain an exponential Business Growth.
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