How To Beat the Uncertainties Of Your Ship: 
Your Safety Plan
Written by Davide Scalia on Jan. 05th 2019
Imagine you are inside a big ship when I hand over a very general escape plan to you and tell you, ‘There is a fire, we have to escape!’ 

You must think I am crazy because the general plan does not have the precise information you need to escape and the possibility to die in the burning ship is very high, given that you have never been in that ship before and you don’t have a lot of time. 

Now, let us tell you that your life and business is very similar to a ship, metaphorically speaking. You can steer them in your desired direction and enjoy success and happiness. 

However, there will be times when you may encounter an unexpected disaster, just like the fire in the ship. If you are not prepared for an unforeseen circumstance striking your business, your situation will be no different from what you just imagined.  

When trying to escape from a fire or any disaster for that matter and to make sure you survive, you must have:

1. The Map
The foremost thing that you should have is a detailed and well-drawn map that offers you a bird view to get a clear idea of the situation and the surrounding factors.

2. The Position
Another key element you should be aware of is your position. Knowing exactly where you stand in the hour of a catastrophe can be helpful in identifying where to start escaping. You should be able to point your location on the map to overview the possible directions you can go in so that you may decide the best way out. 

3. The Route
The key to overcoming the obstacles is to evaluate your options and choose the best route to follow. Comparing the possible ways out will help you opt for the safest and fastest escape option. Knowing which route to take will help you take the reins back in your hands and deal with the problem effectively. 

Despite being equipped with all the information you need and having a plan in mind, if your life or business has reached a plateau and is likely to go down any time soon, chances are you are missing out on an important element – TAKING ACTION.  
The importance of taking an action is obvious but unfortunately, many people, even if they smell the smoke, remain steady and don’t do anything about it. Taking action is the key to any salvage; you cannot save yourself if you remain where you are.
Another self-saving option is to act smart and ask for help, meaning allowing someone else to take your hand and get you out of the problem. The helper, however, should obviously know the vessel, the map, your position, and the exact route to take.

This perhaps is the fastest way to escape from the fire because sometimes, even if you have the map, and you know your position and the escape route, you are likely to take time in reading the map and understanding the directions clearly. 

Hence, oftentimes, relying on someone who knows where to go is the fastest way to make yourself safe.

If you have never been in the ship before, you are likely to waste a lot of time and energy while finding the way out on your own, with a high risk of getting trapped inside the burning ship.

Similarly, in your daily life and business, you will come across certain situations where you would feel trapped inside the ship with blazing fire all around. Your decisions and actions, at this point, can make or break the deal for you. 

The bottom line is that if you smell smoke, don’t take too long to take an action. Gather all the information you need to be safe and survive the fire beforehand. Always be prepared for the next surprise, be open to adjustments, and learn from all the surprises life throws at you! 

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this.

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, new ideas to obtain an exponential Business Growth.
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