Difference Between Marketing and Sales
Written by Davide Scalia on Feb. 14th 2019
Sales and marketing are two terms that are mostly used together and often misunderstood as the same thing. 

While the two functions are intertwined, there is a huge difference between the responsibilities of a salesperson and the marketing team.

What’s even more important to understand is that salespersons are highly dependent upon the marketing team. We often the salespersons for the blame of unsuccessful ROI of a product or service, but we need to understand that they cannot do anything without effective marketing.
Marketing should be one of the paramount activities of a company. 

No matter how good a product or service is, you cannot sell it without marketing.

To get a better understanding, let’s discuss a practical example:

If I open a shop in the center of New York, I will have extremely high fixed expenses. To cover those expenses and to be able to generate a profit, I would need to increase my sales.

To attract people and to make sure that they buy form me, I would have to invest a significant amount of time and energy to establish my brand name. Marketing is the “magic” to promote your brand worldwide.

 Most of the brands that you find in the centers of major cities of the world are known worldwide because they know the value of marketing and effectively make use of all the marketing tools and techniques.

Most of the people go to a particular shop because they already know the name; which is the result of years of brand building.

This is where marketing is linked to sales.

Once the marketing team has brought a potential customer to the shop, the job of salespersons begin.
They have to meet the prospect and find out if the prospect already knows about the product.

If the prospect does have an idea, which is likely in case of effective marketing, the salesperson only has to use his selling skills and leads the prospect to the final decision. 

Marketing helps the salesperson and the salesperson can add value to marketing by ensuring that the sales process goes smoothly as this would increase the likelihood of word-of-mouth marketing.

This way, the attitude of sellers also contributes to the company’s marketing strategy.

Without marketing, it would be too hard for a company to even bare daily expenses. In the world of business, you cannot just rely on luck, hoping that someone would come to the shop and would miraculously become the brand builder.

Brand building and taking a business to success takes time, consistency and, above all, an effective strategy.

If you only use the salespeople, you are choosing to take the long and uncertain way to build your brand.

The best way is to be smart, lay out a well-planned strategy and then simply follow it.

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, new ideas to obtain an exponential Business Growth.
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