How to Drive the Attention of the Customer to Your Business
Written by Davide Scalia on Mar. 14th 2019
In today’s day and age, you have infinite sources of information. This fundamental shift is happening transversally, affecting almost everything we are experiencing now.

Nowadays, we have access to things faster than ever before. No longer does one have to deal with long waiting lines or time constraints. In fact, the product choice is so wide that sometimes you cannot decide what to purchase.

Whether this is good or not, it is an ongoing debate. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. However, what is sure is that changes are happening and change is a constant in the business landscape.

As a business owner, all this boils down to the all-important question “what can you do to be part of the changing flow and trends in business and drive the attention of overwhelmed customers towards your business?”

Well, offer to the customer an interest point and give them an additional prospecting in order to enrich their perspective. It is not only about giving your own perspective, you need to make the customer think for him/herself.

You should engage your customer by offering them a variety of different arguments to support and widen their point of view. 

You cannot expect to hold your customer’s attention for long without giving them a reason to stay, just like you would not stay seated in a restaurant after finishing your meal.

Eventually, you will leave the restaurant to go about your day and do other things. 

In fact, you probably won’t even go back to that restaurant, if you didn’t like the food there. 

It’s as simple as that!

What’s the best way to attract and retain customers? 
One of the effective ways to communicate with and engage your current or potential customers is through blogging.

Here 5 steps to start blogging:

1. Select a topic.

2. Select an engaging title to grab the attention of your target readers. Choosing the right blog title makes all the difference.

3. Elaborate on the topic in an instructional way—teach or give free advice to your readers.

4. Engage and hold your readers’ interest by two-way communication. For example, after giving them advice, ask for their opinion.

5. The ultimate goal of your blog should be to leave the readers feeling empowered and enriched.
If you start writing your blogs using this basic element, you will notice an increasing interest of your customers in your business.

Of course, if your topic is something very specific, you will have a limited number of readers. This does not mean that you should stop writing blogs.

Instead, incorporate feedback from your audience to write more engaging blogs for the future. The most important part comes after publishing your blog.

In the beginning, you are probably going to get few or no comments from readers. But do not be disheartened. Keep publishing blogs on a regular basis and you will soon start getting more feedback and comments from your readers.

From readers’ feedback, you can understand what kind of impact the blog had on them. It is important to understand that readers’ feedback will be both positive and negative.

Ignore the small percentage of haters and consider constructive comments from your readers to create the next blog posts.

Once you understand how powerful is to communicate with your audience and give them what they need, you can add value to their lives.

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this.

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, increasing sales, giving new ideas for  exponential Business Growth
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