It Is Not Only The Market’s Fault, Here’s Why and How To Strategize
Written by Davide Scalia on Mar. 29th 2019
Have you ever thought why is it that you want to buy a certain brand of shoes, go to a certain shop or want to have dinner with a certain person?

Well, it’s simply because we all have our own choices and preferences. Just like it happens at the micro level, the same happens at the macro level.

People choose a company for numerous reasons, not just the ‘money factor’. This is perhaps the main difference and unfortunately, what marketers often forget.

Everything is based on the relationship with customers.

However, now companies find the excuse that the dismal performance of the market is coming in their way of success if that was so then why and how are similar companies making more money?

In other words, stop putting the blame for business failure on the market. 

Consider failure is a step towards success by learning from it by focusing on your strategy and identifying the loopholes.

In other words, it is not just the market’s fault it’s also because you haven’t strategized carefully.
Here’s how to get started moving in the right direction.

Re-strategize with a Clear Focus

If you want to become a market leader in your industry then you need to use the right mix of marketing strategies to capture a bigger market share.

The core of an effective and result-driven market strategy is ‘the customer or client’. If your company’s priority is its customers, then it will grow because the customers will feel valued, engaged and connected to your company.

No company starts a business thinking that it will fail but because they don’t have a clear strategy and their activities lack focus, they eventually put their company on the path to failure.

The speed of this third revolution, the interconnection and the huge possibility to be laser-focused on meeting your target are underestimated and not utilized as it should be.

You have a business that is spending on advertising without knowing if the recipient will see it. This is because many think that what worked yesterday will also work today.

Understanding the Two Problematic Areas and How to Tackle Them

There are 2 main issues.

The first is the old concept to explain your product or service based on what the company is able to do instead to say what benefit it can bring.

The second is not to use the tools available now, like Google Ads, Facebook Ads or other types of ads more suitable for your business.
Go Digital to Attract, Connect and Engage Customers—Get Them Involved

Here are the 3 smart things to stop blaming the market for failure and wake up and do something about it:

- Make a client-centric website

- Create an engaging LinkedIn page with “how to” articles

- Establish a strong connection with your clients by contacting them constantly through different media

It is all on you. 

If you think that the “market” is putting you in the corner, you need to move from the corner by using the new tools available. 

You need to fight for success because success doesn’t come easy.

Also, find new avenues of income within your company and change your status from a victim to savior.

Stay Positive and Be Innovative

You need to reactivate the same energy and willingness to grow that you had when you launched your business.

Use new techniques and rely on the people around you. 

The only way to survive in this market is by investing your time and energy in learning new ways of how customers perceive your business as a reliable and trustworthy brand that provides a practical solution to their problem.

When your clients can see you as that, the market will be in your favor because your clients are the market that you need.

Use your time wisely, stop blaming the market and start to strategize

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this.

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, increasing sales, giving new ideas for  exponential Business Growth
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