The 3 Boxes You Must Fill Up To Grow Your Business In The Marine Industry
Written by Davide Scalia on Apr. 04th 2019
How our clients behave is simple and surprisingly is exactly the same way that we behave.

We have to think like our clients to make our business in line with our clients.

When they have to buy something like a boat or they have to decide which maker to use or shipyard to go, their decision, again surprisingly, depends mainly upon what we do.

Let’s consider that our client has to buy something that cost similar to a small boat.

They have to decide to buy the boat alfa or the boat beta and they want to know as much information as they can, to make the final decision.

Just as an example we have 3 different boxes where there are several different pieces of information inside (A, B, C, D....).

Related to the boat alfa we have

- Box 1: A, B, C
- Box 2: D, E, F
- Box 3: G, H, I

They will go inside each box and get as much information as possible.

Next, They have the boat beta and inside the same 3 boxes there are also some information but less than boat alfa

- Box 1: Z
- Box 2: empty
- Box 3: Y

First: If you provided information like the boat beta, how do you think the consumers that have to buy your product or services would feel?
Second: After finishing the research finding out that the beta boat looks better, I would still be more willing to buy the alfa boat just based on the fact that I would have more information about it.

We have in our hand the boxes and the possibility to fill up to make our client feel more confident to buy our product so WHY WE ARE NOT DOING IT?

The website, Facebook, LinkedIn, and all other socials are the boxes, we have to be able to fill up those boxes with the content that directly matches the needs of our clients.

We have to answer the simplest question:


If we are able to fill up the boxes with the right answers than our client cannot choose anyone other than us.

Fill up the boxes with the answers to all the problems they can think of, give as much value you can.

Make your prospect feel confident that they have enough information to make a well-educated decision.

People will not buy anything if they cannot see the value, their decisions change based on the information they have in their hands.

This is in line with the statistics that 70% of buyers have a clear idea in their head of a product before they buy it.

Take the opportunity to share your expertise with your prospect, they will see what it feels like to deal with an expert and they are willing to become loyal clients.

Fill up all the boxes with valuable information and your business will flourish keeping advertisement costs to a minimum.

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this.

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, increasing sales, giving new ideas for  exponential Business Growth
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