Why VR, AR, and AI are The 3 Main Innovations That Will Revolutionize the Marine Industry
Written by Davide Scalia on Apr. 25th 2019
VR, AR, and AI are the three main innovations that will change our perception and shift our attention in the marine industry.

What do these abbreviations signify?

Virtual reality, Augmented Reality and Artificial intelligence, respectively – three technologies that will completely transform the future and digitize our lives.

As of now, all these three technologies are used in small percentages, but with time, they will be utilized more and more for one simple reason – they save time.

Two of these, VR and AR, are the most applicable in the maritime industry and should be invested in. Let us review some VR, AR, and AI examples, and see their impact.

VR and AR

Combining virtual reality and augmented reality paves the way for several shipyard possibilities.
Using VR, you can invite potential clients to visit your factory without them actually traveling to your physical site. 

They will be at their office, in their chair, but through technology, they would visit your factory virtually, and thus, understand your company and what it does better.

Another potential application involves displaying the interior before refitting or constructing a yacht.

Even without building the yacht physically, you would still be able to see how it would look like when finished. If required, the design can be optimized before production actually starts, and thus, help you save money.

VR can also be used for understanding the piping arrangement in the engine room, if any modifications are necessary, they can be made before production starts, especially now with ship rules implementation related to pollution.
Imagine yourself in a meeting during which you want to show off your new product or project. Using augmented reality, you can show the product right on the table. 

Considering a yacht, both the interior and exterior will be clear with all details being highlighted. So basically you can show what the product will be alike without actually building it, and by the way, your clients can attend the meeting virtually as well.

Show the products to your client, make necessary changes, and when they are satisfied with the design, you can start production. This way there will be no cases where the clients are disappointed with the final product because it doesn’t meet their expectations. 

Thus, virtual reality and augmented reality optimize production, saving both time and costs.


AI is used for data analysis purposes. 

It is the super brain that can help us understand clients better and provide them greater benefits. We’ll learn how to personalize our products such that their needs are met. 

We can also determine their habits and personality traits more precisely, and accordingly, offer them tailored solutions. Companies like Netflix and Amazon are already doing this.

Considering the marine industry, AI can be used for navigation, maintenance, and safety-related aspects.

All the three technologies, VR, AR, and AI, will be more and more available in our lives, making our jobs easier and giving us more time for things where our focus should be. 

Consequently, work life will improve, processes will be optimized, and we’ll be able to spend our resources on those aspects of our company that matter the most. 

All of this will help us improve our offered products and services, generate greater customer satisfaction levels and drive our revenues.

Thank you for reading, please share some of your experience on this.

Davide Scalia

CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, increasing sales, giving new ideas for  exponential Business Growth
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