Written by Davide Scalia on Nov. 29th 2018
Being innovative is sometimes seen as the rebuilding of the full company. But, in reality, all it takes to be innovative and renew your company to attract more clients is to follow a few simple steps....
Written by Davide Scalia on Nov. 29th 2018
Is the concept of branding in the marine industry clear?
Looking around, there is a feeling that most of the companies in the marine industry fail to build their brand or improve their image in a way that they become globally recognizable.

If you take a look....
Written by Davide Scalia on Nov. 29th 2018
Have you ever tried to solve a Rubik's cube?
When you pick up a Rubik’s cube, solving it may seem like an easy feat. However, after a series of unsuccessful attempts of solving it, your confidence is likely to go down. And perhaps you may be able to solve only...
Written by Davide Scalia on Dec. 20th 2018
Being innovative is sometimes seen as the rebuilding of the full company. But, in reality, all it takes to be innovative and renew your company to attract more clients is to follow a few simple steps....
Written by Davide Scalia on Dec. 27th 2018
A constant element in the marine industry is the market fluctuation. The market is incredibly unstable. There are periods of profitability and then there are periods of suffering. 

To start off, we first have to define suffering. This is the term used in the business world to describe ....
Written by Davide Scalia on Dec. 03rd 2019
Imagine you are inside a big ship when I hand over a very general escape plan to you and tell you, ‘There is a fire, we have to escape!’ 

You must think I am crazy because the general plan does not have the precise information you need to ...
Written by Davide Scalia on Jan. 10th 2019
Sometimes, our small and seemingly insignificant acts and contributions can make a huge difference in the long run.

I call it the “10 cent rule”.

To understand the 10 cent rule, let’s consider an example.
Imagine you go to a gas station......
Written by Davide Scalia on Jan. 17th 2019
Imagine you are walking on the street and a stranger comes to you and try to sell you a t-shirt. 

There is hardly any chance that you would buy it, even if the t-shirt looks nice and is of good quality.

Most likely, you wouldn’t even look at the t-shirt because......
Written by Davide Scalia on Jan. 24th 2019
Do you know that a hamster is more productive than 95% of human beings?
You must be surprised; how is it possible that a hamster inside a cage is more productive than a free person?

It is simple! The hamster remains active and does......
Written by Davide Scalia on Jan. 31st 2019
If you really want to define the relation and the boundary between marketing and branding then let’s just say that both have the same starting point and that is ”customer perception”. 

There is a thin line between marketing and branding. In fact, branding begins ......
Written by Davide Scalia on Feb. 07th 2019
There is a big problem with the direction in which the marine industry, as well as other industries, are heading, and the captains steering the ship are at fault.
CEOs in the marine industry are not grasping that they are losing, on average, huge......
Written by Davide Scalia on Feb. 14th 2019
Sales and marketing are two terms that are mostly used together and often misunderstood as the same thing.

While the two functions are intertwined, there is a huge difference between the responsibilities of a salesperson and the marketing team.

What’s even more important...
Written by Davide Scalia on Feb. 21st 2019
If you operate in the boating or marine industry, you need to maintain a consistent presence. 

This can be achieved through different effective strategies.

One of the best strategies to implement in this industry is ...
Written by Davide Scalia on Feb. 28th 2019
For a business to succeed, they need to know about more than just what they are selling.

To effectively sell their product, they need to understand their client’s journey from start to the end. So, what makes someone become your client?

The process of purchasing a good or service is...
Written by Davide Scalia on Mar. 07th 2019
Some people might wonder how a piece of steel can float. The basic principle is called the Archimedes' principle.
Archimedes was the first person who gave a definition of this physical effect.

Archimedes' principle states that the upward buoyant force....
Written by Davide Scalia on Mar. 14th 2019
happening transversally, affecting almost everything we are experiencing now.
Nowadays, we have access to things faster than ever before. 

No longer does one have to deal with long waiting lines or time constraints. In fact....
Written by Davide Scalia on Mar. 21st 2019
To foster business growth, you need to have an ever-increasing customer base comprising of both new and satisfied customers. And in order to achieve this....
Written by Davide Scalia on Mar. 29th 2019
Have you ever thought why is it that you want to buy a certain brand of shoes, go to a certain shop or want to have dinner with a certain person?

Well, it’s simply because....
Written by Davide Scalia on Apr. 04th 2019
How our clients behave is simple and surprisingly is exactly the same way that we behave.

We have to think like our clients to make....
Written by Davide Scalia on Apr. 11th 2019
It is astonishing how a simple concept of ‘if you don't show up, people don’t know that this product exists’ is misunderstood by many. 

This means that you need to create....
Written by Davide Scalia on Apr. 18th 2019
The galleon shots featured in the movie are imprecise due to several reasons.
Let’s understand a galleon ship first – it was a marine vessel used for war and trade between the 15th and the 18th centuries. 

The ship featured....
Written by Davide Scalia on Apr. 25th 2019
VR, AR, and AI are the three main innovations that will change our perception and shift our attention in the marine industry.

What do these....
Written by Davide Scalia on May 02nd 2019
When clients approach your product for the first time, they associate it with another similar product, basing their judgment upon their own experience.

In order to change their perception....
Written by Davide Scalia on May 09th 2019
As ironic as it may sound, you need to have a proper plan so that you can fail safely, thereby cushioning against big impacts that failure can have on you and your organization.

Having a plan is...
Written by Davide Scalia on May 16th 2019
New product or process development is a necessary time-consuming task as you walk through concept to development and integration process.

During this time you are...
Written by Davide Scalia on May 23rd 2019
The marketing mix is no more limited to the traditional 4Ps: product, price, place and promotion. 

Instead, brands now also work out the 4Cs of marketing:...
Written by Davide Scalia on May 30th 2019
Every day we are witnesses to the failure and disappearance of top industries that were considered pioneers and leaders in their markets.

On top of all the failures, many other...
Written by Davide Scalia on Jun. 06th 2019
Companies often miss out on tremendous opportunities because they don’t fully understand their business assets or optimize them so as to derive benefits and increase revenue streams. 

Generally, businesses do have plenty of assets, which have...
Written by Davide Scalia on Jun. 13th 2019
You are in your car, driving around the countryside, and want to listen to music. So you turn on the radio, and after searching the channels, you tune into a station that you like.

How is this connected to marketing? What is the...
Written by Davide Scalia on Jun. 20, 2019
Communication plays an essential role in establishing your position in your market, growing your brand.

It is essential to invest...
Written by Davide Scalia on Jun. 27, 2019
What’s the primary goal of any business? Understand what leads to growth, gets you leads, increases conversion rates and retains customers.

Obviously, the first step to...
Written by Davide Scalia on July 04, 2019
They say that you cannot produce anything good, fast and cheap. 

You might have to compromise on one of these 3 factors. This is a simple way to understand what the quality could be based on....
Written by Davide Scalia on July 11, 2019
If you want to optimize your digital marketing campaign, increase your conversion rates and derive higher revenues, it’s important to understand your current status.

Your digital marketing knowledge can be....
Written by Davide Scalia on July 18, 2019
In any stage of your business, just as a startup or a well consolidate business in the marine industry, you need to focus always on your growth, keeping aside the fear of trying, being confident of your unique identity. 

To simplify the process....
Written by Davide Scalia on July 25, 2019
The marine industry has several exhibitions every year, which are based all over the world.

These exhibitions are extremely successful, but like everything, they come with their own dark side....
How To Use Width and Depth To Improve Customer Relationship and Sales
Written by Davide Scalia on August 1, 2019
Building and growing your business greatly depends on the relationship you have with your customers. This is the key element of building your presence and ensuring you remain in the minds of your target audience. 

The best way to improve customer relationships....
Written by Davide Scalia on August 8, 2019
Freshers vs. experienced employees is a hot debate in the corporate world. 

When bringing on new talent on board, it can often be confusing to choose between young and experienced candidates. Before....
Written by Davide Scalia on August 15, 2019
Starting a business has its own complexity but keeping it running is hard work. 

Maintaining and expanding your business is hard work and several businesses fail because....
Written by Davide Scalia on August 22, 2019
The money and time spent during an exhibition are quite important, and it should also be crucial to use this time and money in the best way possible so as to have the highest ROI.

An exhibition is the best way to build....
Written by Davide Scalia on Sept. 05, 2019
It is in the DNA of any business that to exist, one must have clients, and quite often, the client source is one of the most critical factors that ultimately push a company out of business.

The focus of top management is....
Written by Davide Scalia on Sept. 19, 2019
In this revolutionary communication era, companies in the marine industry, of any size, are not aware of the tools available to grow their business.

The gap between company knowledge and technical possibilities is....
Written by Davide Scalia on Sept. 26, 2019
“Hello there, I noticed that you are interested in sailing and yachting! Why not like our company's page.“

That was a message that I received in my inbox, and I want to use this example to show....
Written by Davide Scalia on Oct. 03, 2019
The growth process within a company is related to the entire company growth. It sounds like a tongue twister, but it's actually the difference between a successful company and a struggling one.

Every single person....
Written by Davide Scalia on Oct. 17, 2019
Success is directly related to the customer because they are the supporters; they are the columns to sustain your business and help you expand.

So, who are those customers? ....
Written by Davide Scalia on Oct. 24, 2019
There is an ongoing debate in the business world as to what is the “best” marketing strategy if that even exists; and the debate is ...
Written by Davide Scalia on Oct. 31, 2019
Before moving forward with any marketing strategy for your business, stop and consider for a moment. 

It’s crucial that ...
Written by Davide Scalia on Nov. 31, 2019
The final target of any company is to sell its product or service.

Starting there, let’s do some reverse engineering to discover how to use the power of marketing to achieve this ultimate goal.

Why does the customer buy?
Written by Davide Scalia on Dec. 05, 2019
Starting a business is hard, but what’s even harder is growing and keeping it running.

Expanding a business is something not many enterprises can do and only a few can achieve. 

Here are a few reasons why...
Written by Davide Scalia on Dec. 12, 2019
As businesspeople, we meet with numerous other businesspeople daily. In doing so, it becomes clear to us almost immediately which type of business philosophy and communication model they use.

There are two types of business communication philosophy...
Written by Davide Scalia on Dec. 19, 2019
As you navigate through the many resources available out there to educate yourself on marketing tips and guidelines, you will doubtless find a lot of valuable information. 

There is a vital element of marketing which is...
Time Travel To Success
Written by Davide Scalia on Jan. 02, 2020
Picture yourself one year in the future. By that time, you have made that decision that you are deliberating in the present moment; you have made that investment; you paid off that debt; you bought that equipment which...
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